Michael Turner – Director
Michael was born and raised in East Africa and has spent most of his career on the continent. After working in London for Price Waterhouse and Kleinwort Benson, he held a number of positions within the CDC Group PLC, globally and within Africa, for 15 years. In 2004 he joined Actis as a founding partner and more recently as Managing Director. He holds a number of board positions including the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Charlie Tryon – Chief Executive
Charlie Tryon co-founded Maris and is a Director of Maris Limited. He oversees the group from East Africa. Prior to Maris, Charlie developed a successful portfolio of venture businesses in Afghanistan and East Africa.
Marc Beuls – Remuneration Committee Chairman
Marc Beuls is a private investor in start-up and emerging market companies. He was the President and CEO of Millicom International Cellular. Marc is the Chairman of the Maris Remuneration Committee.
Aida Kimemia – Board Member
After graduating with an MA from John Hopkins University, Aida spent 6 years working with Citibank. She then took up a career at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), where she worked for more than 20 years ultimately leading the East Africa team as Regional Industry Manager. Aida holds a wide range of board and committee positions across the East African region. She lives in Nairobi with her family.
Harry Sutherland – Board Member
Harry Sutherland is the Chairman of Crossinvest Global Management Services. Harry co-founded Crossinvest in 2010 and is also Chairman of the Harland Capital Group which he established in 1997. Prior to this he worked for ten years in a variety of management and project development roles for Lonrho Plc across the continent.
Raju Shaulis – Board Member
Raju Shaulis is President and co-founder of Central Asian Development Group (CADG). Founded in 2002 CADG is a company focused on implementing donor-funded economic development programs and civil engineering projects in developing countries in Central Asia and Africa.
Harris Harjun – Board Member
Harris Harjun is the CEO of CrossInvest Global Management Services. With an MSC in Banking & Finance, BA in Law & Management & a Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators, Harris co-founded Crossinvest in 2010, sits on the boards of a wide range of businesses in Africa and is based in Mauritius.
Iwan Meister – Audit Committee Chairman
Iwan Meister is a former investment officer at Dutch Development Bank FMO. Before that he was responsible for credit ratings, modeling and portfolio management at ABNAMRO and worked at a microfinance institution in Lima, Peru. Iwan is Chairman of our Audit Committee.